Rainbows in Many Forms




Rainbow mountains in China’s Danxia Landform Geological Park.


Photo and lyrics are from an Onam dance in Amma‘s ashram in Amritapuri, India.


 Though the rain may fall in the midst of a storm
The sun will lay upon the earth her blanket of warmth
This is the tempo to which nature plays her years
And through this progression a rainbow appears


In love, in faith, in honesty
Hearts beating together as One;
Amma’s vision


In love, in faith, in honesty
Amma’s children in unison
Seven colors uniting as One
A rainbow alliance of love
Amma’s vision


Article originally written for April 2015 PNW GreenFriends Newsletter



Cindy Knoke

Eric Ewing

Rebeka Rhoden


2 thoughts on “Rainbows in Many Forms

  1. The Rainbow Mountains seem otherworldly. A breathtaking sight. I am struck by the vibrancy of the colors in the earth! I enjoy the way you combined all of us containing rainbows …. fauna, flora and humans.

    Liked by 1 person

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