Navaratri is Coming!

Navatratri is a nine day Hindu festival that celebrates three forms of the Goddess, Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. The tenth day is called Vijaya Dasham, the festival of victory. This year Navaratri will be October 1-10.

Friends of mine build a beautiful altar for Navaratri. Every item on it has meaning and many of the statues are handmade. I will never forget seeing this altar for the first time; it practically took my breath away. Oh how it sparkled.

You can see many more pictures of this Navaratri altar at From Darkness to Light.


The Daily Post: Twinkle

5 thoughts on “Navaratri is Coming!

  1. Navaratri in my favorite time of year. 10 days to immerse myself in the Divine. My favorite part is when we sing Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu. As the days go by I seem to go deeper into a space of loving gratitude. I smile thinking of Navaratri being just around the corner.

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